Report Archive

Research and reports we’ve produced

Achieving greater equity in Australia – reimagining our ‘universal’ systems

There is no single or simple way to measure equity in Australia. In economics, we often revert to measures of inequality to determine how people are faring in terms of distribution of income and wealth. Unfortunately, these measures aren’t heading in the right direction if our goal is to improve outcomes and opportunities for all Australians.

Despite major advances in opportunities for women, significant new funding for people with disabilities, and our enviable (though increasingly inadequate) social safety net, inequity remains and is widening by many measures. This paper explores inequity in Australia and considers what we need to do if we want to see fairer outcomes across Australia.

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Timor-Leste Economic Diversification Pathways

Despite making commendable development progress since gaining independence in 2002, Timor-Leste’s economic performance and potential have been hampered by slow and volatile economic growth, driven by the oil and gas sector.

This growth has been lower than all ASEAN members except Brunei (another oil and gas exporter). The last LNG shipment from Bayu-Undan left in November 20231. With no alternative revenue source in the short-term (until any future oil and gas developments come online), the Government of Timor- Leste’s (GoTL) revenue shortfall will be significant, highlighting the urgent need to diversify the economy.

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