Penalty rate report: The economic impact of penalty rate cuts
Equity Economics worked with The McKell Insitute to deliver a report on the economic impact of proposed cuts to penalty rates for hospitality and retail workers. The report contains economic modelling based on a range of possible scenarios for reform. The model considers not only the direct impact of penalty rate cuts on workforce incomes but also the impact on rural and regional communities from losses to the local economy.
The report combines economic analysis, a discussion of the history of penalty reform as well as qualitative analysis and interviews conducted by UMR Strategic Research. Equity Economics works in partnership with clients to deliver insightful research.
The report was released in the midst of national debate of the Productivity Commission's draft report on the Workplace Relations Framework. The report will be submitted to the Productivity Commissions Inquiry and will be the basis of engagement with the PC public hearings.
The report received national coverage and significant attention on social media.
Read the full report