Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Data Review


The Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee (the Committee) is responsible for providing independent advice to the Australian Government ahead of every Federal Budget on opportunities and reforms to tackle systemic disadvantage and boost economic inclusion and participation, particularly for long-term unemployed and disadvantaged groups.

As part of its upcoming report ahead of the 2024-25 Budget, Members of the Committee are seeking advice on the housing, and related infrastructure, needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and on the data needed to inform targeted government investment decisions. Equity Economics have been engaged to provide advice on:

  • an estimate of housing need in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities using existing data sources, and an indication of whether existing efforts by Australian governments to increase supply are likely to meet demand

  • new data required on remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing and related infrastructure needs, and recommendations for its collection.


Key findings include:

  • There is a housing and homelessness crisis for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, undermining efforts across all areas to close the gap in life outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous Australians.

  • Since 2020, through the initiative of the newly formed Coalition of Peaks, there has been a renewed focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander housing needs and the responsibility of the Australian Government.

  • Existing data collection demonstrates the significant need for additional investment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social housing, particularly in remote areas.

Read the full report

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