Report Archive
Research and reports we’ve produced
Achieving greater equity in Australia – reimagining our ‘universal’ systems
There is no single or simple way to measure equity in Australia. In economics, we often revert to measures of inequality to determine how people are faring in terms of distribution of income and wealth. Unfortunately, these measures aren’t heading in the right direction if our goal is to improve outcomes and opportunities for all Australians.
Despite major advances in opportunities for women, significant new funding for people with disabilities, and our enviable (though increasingly inadequate) social safety net, inequity remains and is widening by many measures. This paper explores inequity in Australia and considers what we need to do if we want to see fairer outcomes across Australia.
Place-Based approaches to Tackling Community Challenges in Australia
Equity Economics is pleased to have supported the Paul Ramsay Foundation with a new report on Place-Based approaches to Tackling Community Challenges in Australia. The report brings together the growing evidence base for place-based approaches and will hopefully support more effective programming to ensure social services and community support reach the most in need and are effective.
The social sector in NSW: Capitalising on the potential for growth
Equity Economics worked with the NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS) and a number of critical social service providers to deliver a landmark report on the social sector in NSW, its contribution, challenges and needs.
Nudging Inequality
Perceptions of inequality in Australia and the impact of nudge economics
At what cost? The human and economic cost of Australia’s offshore detention policies
The human and economic cost of Australia’s offshore detention policies 2019
Easing rising disadvantage
Equity Economics has delivered a new report with the support of the Paul Ramsay Foundation, drawing together a range of policy options proposed by leading charities across Australia, that will aid the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and related economic crisis.
Inclusive prosperity report: Australia’s record & the road ahead
New analysis by Equity Economics illustrates the impact of rising inequality on economic growth in Australia. Released nationally as part of the work of the Inclusive Prosperity Commission the analysis discusses the hidden headwind of inequality.