Report Archive

Research and reports we’ve produced

Gender equality Yie Liew Gender equality Yie Liew

GEDSI and the workplace

As a partner organisation of SURGE, Equity Economics is pleased to support the provision of gender equality technical advice across a range of DFAT investments in the region.

Here is a small example - drawing together the compelling evidence of the value of diverse workplaces that are gender equal and disability inclusive workplaces. For more examples of this work visit the SURGE website here: (

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Gender equality, Social housing Clare Maxwell Gender equality, Social housing Clare Maxwell

Rebuilding for Women’s Economic Security: Investing in Social Housing in NSW

Equity Economics prepared a report for the New South Wales Council of Social Services (NCOSS) as part of its Pink Vis Campaign to outline the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women in NSW and the economic benefits that could flow from addressing critical shortages in social housing, and specialist homelessness services and family and domestic violence services.

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Evaluation of the Kokoda Track Foundation’s Strongim Meri Bisnis Project

Equity Economics has prepared an independent evaluation report on the Kokoda Track Foundation’s (KTF) Strongim Meri Bisnis (SMB) Project. KTF’s SMB Project works with women’s groups in remote and rural communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) to establish and support women’s small-business operations.

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Gender equality Clare Maxwell Gender equality Clare Maxwell

Gender-wise investing

In the aftermath of the 2019 / 2020 bushfires and COVID-19 global pandemic, Equity Economics worked with Australians Investing in Women (AIIW) to explore the disproportionate impacts of these crises on women and examine key areas of investment prioritising the security, safety and wellbeing of women.

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